Septic Pumping , Installation & Service in Brandon FL
Septic Pumping , Installation & Service in Brandon FL

Septic Maintenance Schedules for Commercial Tanks


When it comes to septic systems, what you put in is what you get out. However, if stuff is coming out, it is not a good sign, so being extra vigilant about what you put in is a good idea. Many countries around the world are very cautious about what goes into their septic systems by way of the toilet, so it is almost a cultural norm for toilet paper to not be flushed. In the United States, however, flushing that paper down after use is the preferred method.The truth of the matter is, it makes very little difference with your septic systems, no matter how cute and cuddly the little teddy bear that is advertising it seems to be.The NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) has said that the thickness and color of the toilet paper do not necessarily depict how biodegradable it will be, thus determining how well your septic system will be able to break down the paper and keep the system clog-free. Some believe that cheaper, thinner toilet paper may be better, though the NSF does not necessarily support that claim. If you are unsure, check to make sure the toilet paper you buy is NSF certified, thus proving it has passed a thorough check for environmental and septic system safety.When it comes to toilet paper and your septic system, there’s no need to sacrifice on comfort-- feel free to get that 12-ply toilet paper if you want! Just use caution with the amount you flush. Regardless of what toilet paper you buy, if you notice a problem with your septic system, contact Sam at Brandon Septic. He’ll make sure things are fixed and running smoothly in no time!
