Septic Pumping , Installation & Service in Brandon FL
Septic Pumping , Installation & Service in Brandon FL

Septic System Winter Maintenance for Northern California

Things About Commercial Septic Systems You Need To Know

A commercial septic system has a large-capacity tank to accommodate more than 20 individuals daily. Buildings with multiple occupancies or non-residential buildings usually have commercial septic systems. Before installing a commercial septic system at your business, take a look at some of the things you need to know.

How Commercial Systems Differ From Residential Septic Systems

The two different septic systems, commercial and residential, operate in the same manner. However, commercial tanks are larger due to a higher volume of wastewater, which also calls for different cleaning and maintenance methods. Residential septic systems don’t need as frequent pumping as their commercial counterparts. Additionally, fewer contaminants, such as fats or grease, are in the tank.

What Is Considered a Commercial Property?

Commercial properties include but are not limited to the following:

  • Apartment buildings
  • Schools
  • Stores
  • Restaurants
  • Hotels
  • Churches

In cases like restaurants, you may need additional components on your septic tank, like grease traps, to separate solids and grease from the wastewater. Any property accommodating more than 20 people typically utilizes a commercial septic system.

Why You Need a Commercial Septic System

Not all businesses use commercial septic systems. If your business is within the limits of your city’s sewage system, you could use that instead. However, you will need a commercial septic tank if you’re not near a sewage system or the city’s system cannot keep up with your business’s wastewater.

Commercial Septic Tank Maintenance

Your commercial septic tank will require more frequent maintenance and cleaning than a residential tank. Because more people use the system, more wastewater will accumulate and potentially clog the filters or drains. You will need routine septic tank services in Brandon, FL to ensure the system runs efficiently without concerns or issues. A professional maintenance service is your best option due to the different cleaning methods necessary to ensure the tank is in proper working condition.

Now that you know about commercial septic systems, consider whether your business could benefit from one. Contact Brandon Septic if you need a commercial septic tank. We can install, maintain, and repair your commercial tank to provide your business with the best possible waste management system.
