Septic Pumping , Installation & Service in Brandon FL
Septic Pumping , Installation & Service in Brandon FL

4 Reasons Why Your Septic System Might Smell

How the Septic Tank Pumping Process Is Eco-Friendly

Septic tanks encapsulate how the natural world works. Every day, the flushing toilet sends wastewater to the tank. Through a biological process involving bacteria, gravity, and time, the solid waste separates from the liquids. Slowly, the solid waste breaks down while the water part of the waste is purified and rejoins the groundwater below the tank. No chemicals or biological agents are added to an eco-friendly septic tank because it doesn’t need them.

Every few years, a septic tank needs to be pumped. Is it possible to keep the pumping process just as green? Yes! Here’s how the septic tank pumping process is eco-friendly.

Aiding the Process

Septic tank pumping is eco-friendly because it helps the tank do its job. When a tank is full of solid waste, the water purifying process becomes difficult. Removing the excess sludge allows the tank to take in more wastewater, which lets the bacteria break things down. Then, the water can be purified, and the cycle continues. When the grass gets too green above the septic tank, puddles start to form in the yard, or you notice a distinctive pungent smell, it’s time to give your tank a break and arrange a pumping.

Reducing Water Usage

When the septic tanks get full, flushing toilets and clearing drains becomes difficult. This has the negative effect of encouraging a homeowner to employ even more water to clear the toilet bowl and drains. Once again, pumping the septic tank frees up space for more wastewater, which allows the toilets to operate at normal capacity and keeps the house’s inhabitants from wasting water. That puts less strain on the environment because homeowners won’t call on utility water so often.

Containing Pollution

Some points are worth repeating. When a septic tank gets too full, what doesn’t fit goes elsewhere. A full septic tank could back up and release all sorts of yuckiness into the surrounding environment. Wastewater can poison clean water, kill wildlife, destroy plants, and even cause diseases in humans who live nearby. Pumping the tank prevents these disasters altogether.

Efficient Sludge

After the pumping, the septic tank contractor needs to do something with the sludge. Eco-conscious companies take steps to remove water from the sludge, which makes it lighter and easier to transport. Others come up with different uses for the water; while it is usually undrinkable, it can be useful—after treatment—for irrigating crops.

Those are the basics of the eco-friendliness of the septic tank pumping process. Contact us today if you’re curious about how we can empty your septic tank in a greener way!
