Septic Pumping , Installation & Service in Brandon FL
Septic Pumping , Installation & Service in Brandon FL

4 Reasons Why Your Septic System Might Smell

5 Common Causes for Odors in Your Septic Tank

No one wants to wake up to the stench of sewer wafting from their drains, sinks, and toilets. While septic tanks are excellent for waste management, you may run into issues occasionally with foul odors emanating from the tank. If you want your home to smell fresh again, discover the common causes of odors in your septic tank and how to fix them.

Broken Septic Pump

The septic pump helps push wastewater up and into the drain field. This is what helps to maintain proper sewage levels in your tank. A broken pump cannot remove sewage; therefore, it will travel back into your pipes and drains, causing an odor inside the home. You can fix this issue by replacing or repairing the pump.

Dry Drains

A dry drain occurs when the piping from your home to the septic tank dries up. Odors can and will begin to travel up the pipes and into your home when they’re dry. A trap or U-shape in the pipe usually holds water to help stop odors before they travel upwards. If your drains are dry, pour water down them regularly, especially in the sinks and showers you don’t use as often.

Full Septic Tank

The most common cause of odors in your septic tank is a full tank. While your septic system can self-regulate, you must empty and pump out the tank every three to five years to eliminate excess wastewater and solids.

When you leave the tank full or forget to schedule a pumping service, foul odors will emanate from your home’s drains. Remember to schedule regular septic tank pumping in Brandon, FL to ensure your tank doesn’t overflow.

Blocked Vents

As your septic tank fills up with waste and sewage, gases like methane will begin to form. Vents allow methane to escape the tank to avoid a toxic and flammable gas buildup. However, when these vents are blocked, the gas has no choice but to travel up through your drains.

Too much methane in the home displaces oxygen and could become dangerous to your family. Trim any bushes or shrubs blocking the vent from the outside, or unclog the vent by removing debris.

Cold Weather and Ice

Florida doesn’t normally experience cold weather, but occasionally, storms bring ice and colder temperatures. Ice can form around the vents and drains in your septic tank, leading to clogs and blocked vents.

Without a way for gases to escape the tank, they will seep into your home. Luckily for you, you can remove ice as it forms to help prevent odors in your home.

There are several reasons why your septic tank may smell. Call Brandon Septic if you need help finding and eliminating these foul odors.
